Features Listing
Reseller Information
Co-Location Program
Virtual Accounts
Custom Programming


(888) 826-4687
Toll Free U.S

(888) 222-6263
Toll Free Canada

(405) 236-8200
International Calls


Our co-location service allows you to actually have a dedicated web server without all of the headache usually associated with running your own machine. The server will be located in our network operations center - connected to our T3 and our redundant T-1's. We setup the server for you, and allow you to administer it. You can setup multiple domains and access all of the feature of Animus.net.

You have the choice to send us your own machine and use our bandwidth, or you can lease the hardware through us.

CO-LOCATION - You Provide the Hardware

DEDICATED SERVER - We Provide the Hardware

For a Custom Quote, please e-mail us at co-location@animus.net or call 888-826-4687.


©1997 Animus Communications